Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The New Angel Waltz by Don Taco

  The New Angel Waltz


God needed more angels in Heaven today,
and that's why your daughter was taken like this.
Why would a kind God treat his people this way?
Why do these things happen to people like us?

So where does it say that your life will run smooth?
There's grief everywhere that you happen to look.
You've no right to question your God's every move.
He giveth.  He taketh.  He gaveth.  He took.

You can't bring her back with your chapter or verse.
You can't change what happened with wishes or tears.
The future is no one's that should have been her's.
The seconds, the minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years.

It's clear that you miss her, and all that you shared.
You're angry.  Bewildered.  Your wounds will not mend.
But what makes you special?  Why should you be spared
the troubles that plague all your neighbors and friends?

There's either a plan, or there isn't a plan.
It's hard to say which way is better, or worse.
We don't know if God even listens to man.
Or if God responds to our prayer, or our curse.

While you ask these questions, while you bear this loss,
while you make a fist, or the sign of the cross,
some clueless but well-meaning friend's bound to say,
God needed your angel, today.

God needed your angel today.

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