Friday, December 3, 2021

Place on the Wheel by Don Taco

Place On The Wheel

my grandpa arrived on a boat in the night

and moved into the wrong neighborhood

he was treated like dirt for being the wrong color

but he always knew just where he stood

he never even finished high school

people handed him a raft of shit

but he could pick up a carburetor blindfold

and tell you what engine it fit

my old man’s a refrigerator repairman

heh, naw, nothing as glamorous as that

he pushed paper around a desk for almost twenty years

when he was gone, they forgot him just like that

he raised six kids before the cancer took him

at least, given the time he had, he tried

he didn’t manage to show us how to fit in the mold

I was only thirteen when he died

my uncle should have been a junkman

they tried to make him a physicist

they counted up every time he punched the clock late

and every meeting he missed

he said I always work forty hours, and more

and the work’s always done, and done well

but he never discovered a way to fit in

his private version of corporate hell

one of my younger brothers is already gone

the cancer took him   just like dad

played the twelve string guitar for fifty-five years

that’s sixteen more than his father had

so there are the things I grew up with

what it’s like to be my family

I don’t know if a lesson’s there for you

I don’t know what it says about me

everybody’s got their own place on the wheel

their own niche   their own length of the thread

when you’re done trying to make any sense out of this

douse the lights   say goodnight   go to bed


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