Thursday, April 29, 2021

Character sheets for Hell LLC Dave Molina


Byron Bentwell

Role in Story 

Main character


Get to heaven with the least possible effort

Physical Description

70 yrs old.  Uses hair dye badly. Beer belly, receding

hairline, on the downhill side, Angina symptoms when



Churlish to a T. Went to an all churls school. Lazy. Short cuts.

Path of least resistance. Bored and boring. Pervy tendencies.


Retired stock broker


Constantly on line. Constantly checking phone.


Slovenly Catholic.  Wants to enjoy life and repent at the last minute

Internal Conflicts

His bad habits conflict with Catholic doctrine

External Conflicts

Josh Stokes

Role in Story 

Guest Services Advisor


Get ahead up the ladder at Hell LLC

Physical Description

Youthful, handsome, movie-star looks; jet black hair combed back,

tall, chiseled features, works out



Guest services advisor


Constantly checking on his screens for latest info; insincere

smiling. Plays with his hair, looks in the mirror ever minute or two.

Looks both ways when entering a room. Jovial manner, but below

surface he is scared.  Says “I’ll be damned” a lot. “Everything’s gone

to hell.” “Hell of a time”


Has been in hell for many centuries, and recently been promoted

to guest services advisor. Doesn’t want to go back to his prior job

which he is trying very hard to forget.

Internal Conflicts

Concerned that he will fail.  Worries about everything, while putting

on a happy face.  Deeply jealous of others, deeply self-conscious below

his veneer

External Conflicts

He is suspicious that his boss is undermining him; feeling competition from

his co-workers, dog eat dog environment.  Worried about his quotas,

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