Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Heritage by don taco

 my father was a centaur and my mother was a mermaid

we take family vacations by the sea

they haven't much in common and they never lived together

but they had one big fling, and they had me

I can't resist her, poppa said     I'm just like any man

and truthfully I just can't comprehend a man who can

I have the vaguest memory of that night I almost drowned

when she first whispered, hey, big boy, you wanna horse around

my mother was a mermaid and my father was a centaur

but I seem ordinary as can be

my life has not been stable, I'm not saddled with delusions

I look like you but there's no one like me

he can't resist me, momma said    despite my habitat

but I myself had never seen a man with legs like that

and that's why I seduced him, though he might have lost his life

I took the chance and I became your mother and his wife

I could have grown up half a horse, I could have grown up half a fish

and either way I would have had a tail

but I inherited the human side of each of them

and no one ever quite believes my tale

it's all about recessive genes and that's why they're so rare

and though I claim their heritage nobody seems to care

I just seem ordinary, nothing fishy about me

and when I say I'm horse they think I mean my throat, you see

my father was a centaur and my mother was a mermaid

we take family vacations by the sea

they haven't much in common and they never lived together

but they had one big fling, and they had me

1 comment:

  1. This is actually named Heritage. I may or may not have included that.


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