Saturday, February 13, 2021

Monster Movie Aptitude Test

Monster Movie Aptitude Test Monster Movie Club 1971

 1. You have a deadly laser, and a Green Gargantuan and a Brown Gargantuan are coming. Which do you shoot? (You can't shoot both.)

 2. Rodan, Godzilla, and Monster Zero attack each other, and in the process, roll over a 200 foot cliff. Are they dead? 

3. Does the Japanese Army ever stop a monster when it is on the rampage? 

4. If an alien was trying to spacenap ten of your friends to help save his planet, what should you do? A. Try to steal the key to his flying saucer. B. Promise him you will organize a party of volunteers to go back with him next year. C. Shoot him with a gun.

 5. In the original Godzilla, how was he killed? A. He was frozen to death by fire extinguishers. B. The water in which he was swimming was deoxygenated. C. People threw chunks of sodium at him and he exploded into flame.

 6. You inherit a chateau. Who should you hire for servants, keeping in mind proper etiquette? A. Vampires. B. Monsters. C. Dwarves. D. Ghosts.

 7. Which of the following would be a proper name for dwarves? A. Igor B. Olaf C. Fred D. Wayne

 8. Your wife's face is hopelessly scarred. What should you do? A. Hire a plastic surgeon. B. Buy her a mask. C. Do away with the old bag. D. Kidnap a young girl and attempt a face transplant. 

9. You're flying your saucer. All of a sudden, the computer goes crazy and on the screen flash too many red dots. What can you do? A. Nothing. When you get too many red dots, you've had it. B. Bail out and use your parachute. C. Switch on the Red Dot Neutralizer. D. Call the TV repairman. 

10. What group of three things is Dracula deathly afraid of? A. Vampires, coffins, and limping servants. B. Fingers, Feces, and Flies. C. Garlic, daylight, and the cross. D. Freeways, dogs, and high places.
11. Which of the following are not groups of monsters? A. Manda, Rodan, Mothra. B. Spigon, Godzilla, Reptilicus. C. Son of Godzilla, Trog, Gargantua. D. Gardol, Zappa, Spartacus.

 12. What does 'Trog' stand for? A. Liberty and justice for all. B. Terrifyingly Repulsive Ogre-Giant. C. Troglodyte. D. G-R-O-T! (the sound he makes) spelled backwards. 

13. You are a scientist and you decide to go through with a delicate but incredible two-headed transplant. Why? A. Science. B. It's a lot more interesting than dissecting frogs. C. You've got to make your contribution to the world and transplanting heads is your idea of philanthropy. 

14. A yellow gas has been leaking into the base in Monsterland. What should you do in the future to prevent such occurrences? A. Cut the beans from Godzilla's diet. B. Install electric force fields. C. Destroy all monsters. D. None of the above. 

15. You live in a prehistoric village and a gigantic 70-foot tidal wave is bearing down on you. What should you do? A. Run like hell, shouting things like, "Sana nee-krow!! Tsnami akeenta zahk!" B. Sacrifice all the blond virgins in the tribe. C. Send for the girl with the trained dinosaur. D. Grab your "elephant gun" surfboard and paddle like hell to get Outside. E. Present your "E" ticket, climb aboard a raft, and fasten your seaweed belt. 

16. You are a TV cameraman awaiting the appearance of Trog. He comes out of his cave heaving gigantic boulders, and heads straight for you. What do you do? A. Move in closer so he can belt you one good. B. Move to the left to get a profile shot. C. Run back to the truck and get your autograph book. 

17. A delirious Japanese fisherman has just reported being attacked by a Gargantuan. What should you do? A. Phone Monsterland and see if any monsters have checked out earlier in the week. B. Send for a Gargantuan expert. C. Put out an All Points Bulletin and alert the Japanese Army. D. Call a news conference. 

18. A young college student named Frankenstein has been acting strange lately. He refuses to take off his shirt. Why? A. He's from New Jersey and is ashamed of his lack of a suntan. B. He is a Jehovah's Witness. C. He's afraid his seams will show. D. He's got an obscene tatoo on his chest. 

19. What is a solarium? A. A place where poisonous plants are cultured and mad surgeons chase half-dressed girls. B. A planetarium in Monsterland from which the motions of the sun are carefully observed. C. A cheap excuse for a brothel. D. An Institute of France run by the Department of Culture. 

20. What is the best way to keep your dwarves in line? A. Reason with them. B. Feed them little, and kick them a lot. C. Allow them a little leeway in trivial matters such as the dress code, but hold firm when it comes to the crucial issues such as minimum wage, fringe benefits, and collective bargaining. 

ANSWERS: Presnted as a public service by the National Association of Monster Movie Clubs, Orange County Division, 1971 1. The Green Gargantuan 2. No....too tough! 3. No. Never! 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. A and B 8. D 9. A 10. C 11. D 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. E 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. B SCORING: 20-18: Godzilla (super fringie) 17-15: Reptilicus 14-12: King Kong 11-9: Gargantua 8-6: Trog 5-3: Two-Headed Transplant 2-1: Gardol 0: (obviously a Shakesperean)

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