Friday, July 2, 2021

Nuns With Guns a song by Don Taco


growing up a catholic

grade school uniforms

everybody dressed the same

establishing the norms

rulers 'cross the knuckles

straight and narrow path

learn to behave to

escape their wrath

get a little older

times are not so harsh

thinking for yourself instead of

joining in the march

nuns are losing power

time to use plan b, to

re-establish their


who said this was easy

who's next, you're the one

don't you dare talk back, don't put on airs

we're the nuns with guns

now say your prayers

angry little penguins

minions of the pope

what did you just say, we're gonna

wash your mouth with soap

time's they are a'changing

guess they always do

misplaced power that we 

just outgrew

noses in your schoolbooks

we're not here for fun

stand up straight, obey, and cut your hair

we're the nuns with guns

now say your prayers

we're in charge here, who said life was fair

we're the nuns with guns

now say your prayers

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