Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Matters if Life and Death - Author Photos and Bios


Ricki T Thues

Ricki T Thues, AKA the iMentor, has been a private Apple Computer consultant for 25 years. He is the author of the iMentor Hints and Rants webLog (theimentor.com), a tech bLog covering hints about computers to rants about the human condition. After graduating from the University of Notre Dame Ricki has been a bus driver, cabinet maker, exhibit builder, estimator, ombudsman and consultant. He and his wife are lifelong skydivers with a goal to jump in all 50 states. Ricki is now retired. He is writing a soon to be released compilation of bLog episodes called “Technically Human” and a collection of short stories named “Skydivers Know Why Birds Sing.”

Don Taco

Don Taco is an accomplished actor, director, light designer, set designer, sound designer, props builder, handyman, washtub bass player, singer, songwriter, poet, and writer. He doesn't have time for much else.

Brian Brown

Brian Brown has spent most of his adult life in the Mojave Desert region surrounding Death Valley. He has published several articles and interviews over the years in various environmental historical journals. After a brief stint as an underground miner he settled in to a career of teaching, and eventually he and his late wife Bonnie developed China Ranch, a unique farming and tourism destination on the eastern edge of Death Valley National Park.

Deserts have always drawn dreamers, loners, outcasts, eccentrics, and sometimes desperate characters. Brown’s stories revolve around the experiences and people he has encountered in a lifetime in one of the most remote places in the lower 48 states. 

John McAndrew

John McAndrew, MA, MDiv, is a teacher, counselor, theologian, musician, hospice chaplain and poet. He currently resides in Arroyo Grande (San Luis Obispo County), CA where he provides Spiritual Care for Wilshire Hospice, facilitates Retreats and Workshops for people in recovery, and offers Spiritual Counseling for individuals and organizations seeking deeper spiritual engagement. This excerpt is from a work in progress called Death of A Christian: Towards A Sensible Spirituality

Mike and Hannah Freeman

Mike and Hannah Freeman are a father-daughter duo; this is their first team venture with writing. They plan to continue collaborating in the future on their other creative ventures — playing the piano, mouthsticking (hands-free drawing with the pencil held between your teeth!), and finding more stories to tell. Both call San Diego home and generally enjoy life together with family and friends.

Paul Delgado

Paul Delgado, California native and globetrotter, has lived and travelled extensively throughout the world. For over thirty years, he has experienced the beauty of diverse cultures and continues to be inspired by the lives and stories of those he has met on his life journey. 

He resides in San Diego, California with his wife Graziella and spends his time reading, writing and traveling to new destinations.

He is currently completing his new work, The Wisdom of Tati. 

Mark Farenbaugh

Mark Farenbaugh is a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who traveled all over the world enjoying the sites and cultures of Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East, and South America.  

After his military experiences, he settled in Miami Florida and continues to work as a program manager for projects in Latin America. He is married to Jenny Benavides, MD, from Ecuador.

His stories cover everything from his early days in construction to the leadership tales that he has gathered in his 23 years of military service. 

Mark is currently working (with his brother) on film documentaries about the Caminos de Santiago de Compostela they have walked and enjoys walking and writing about his experiences.


Michael Quinn

Michael Quinn lives in Los Angeles, California, where for over 40 years he has practiced securities and business law.  As a semi-retired attorney, he is of course working on his first novel, tentatively entitled Canopy Mountain.  He loves reading and seeing the beautiful sights of the world, and trying to coax his young granddaughters into loving the same things.  

David Molina

David began a career as a writer after retiring from his dental practice in 2020.  He published his first book The Story You Tell Is the Story You Become in 2021.  It is the story of a father taking his young daughter to college and sharing love, wisdom, and humor to bless her on her journey.  HIs next book How Were You Catholic Then? How Are You Catholic Now? is currently in submission for publication. The book is a collection of interviews by a dozen people who were raised Catholic, and how their faith and lives changed over the course of four decades. David is currently writing his bestselling novel The Last Milonga in the Time of Covid which he will complete in spring 2023.  It is the story of a New York physician battling a raging pandemic and his own stormy relationship that ends in an impossible choice - who will live, and who will die?  

David has devoted many hours to his colleague Writers Anonymous. Over the last eighteen months the group has published scores of short stories which are posted on The Writers Anonymous blog:  https://71wanon.blogspot.com/  

Matters of Life and Death is a Writers Anonymous group project, an anthology of short stories which evolved from monthly writing assignments.  WAnon is a group dedicated primarily to supporting and encouraging each member’s writing journey.  Besides group projects many Writers are working on personal projects including non-fiction, fiction, theater, screenplays, biographies, and memoirs.  

Dennis ‘Den’ Watson 

   Dennis ‘Den’ Watson is retired from two careers, one as an English teacher and one as the public relations director for Ontario International Airport. Both required much writing, and he’s been writing one way or another for many years.

  Den writes journals, movie scripts, profiles, poems and songs—all for his own enjoyment —until recently. He wrote Company B, a three-act play about the first integrated military company in US Army history, which he intends to produce.

  He is currently a founding member of Writers Anonymous, a writers group made up of a dozen of his former Servite High School English students from more than half a century ago. He is struck by the remarkable creativity of these men at this stage of their lives.

  He’s a Southern California native, has four sons all doing well, and currently lives in Upland with two dogs.  He writes, gardens, and daily expresses gratitude for where life finds him at 80.

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