Thursday, October 5, 2023

Teren by Don Taco


In a relatively distant and quiet patch of forest dwelt a largish band of what some arrogant

would-be-tolkienn has labelled Druas, but which we will just refer to as Drow, like everyone else

in the civilized world who doesn't think his idea of spelling semi-phonetically is much more

clever than everyone else, and just mucks things up for everyone. Dark elves. Actually dark.

Almost black of skin, and in some ways almost not elvish. And often provoking unpleasant

reactions from other folks, especially those religious types who somehow believe that everyone

needs to be just like them for the world to operate correctly.

This particular group or clan or village, as you would have it, kept to themselves for the most

part, and had little contact with, or even knowledge of, the kind of Dark Elves that ignorant

farmers use to scare their children into behaving, and even less contact with or knowledge of

the kind of Drow that help create and foster those rumors, tales, and scare stories by their

attitudes and behaviors. Such folk tend to be city folk, not extremely rural hunter-gatherers with

a smattering of farming, such as Teren's clan, which we are discussing.

Teren never fit in, for reasons that will become obvious. He was always the white sheep of the

family. Or the village, if you will, as he really never knew what little family he ever had.

Teren's father, a fine upstanding perfectly normal young man, tended to wander far afield. And

bring back stories of what he found. This caught the ear of the clan's witchy woman, who, with a

touch of arthritis that creeps in and defeats even the best of herbalists as they age, found him

an apt pupil for the foraging and gathering of herbals, mushrooms, spices, seasonal foliage, and

all the other tricks of her trade that were slowly becoming more dificult to gather for herself. This

turned into a comfy niche for him, as he also brought back meat, pelts, vegetables and grains,

and other foodstuffs, and things that weren't typically found nearby in their own forest. He even

carried trade goods of various sorts to other distant towns and villages, since he enjoyed the

traveling so much.

All was well and good until the day, or night, that he came back to the village with a woman. An

exotic woman, by their standards, though they never got a chance to know her well. She kept to

herself, stayed indoors, spent time only with him. She was pale, and beautiful, and odd. And

quite pregnant. He was obviously entranced with her. Enchanted. Bewitched. Rumors flew. But

behind their backs.

Months passed. The child was born. Also odd. He had grey skin and white hair. Steely

unforgiving eyes. The village women fretted over him, for he seemed unnaturally small, and

didn't weigh even half of what seemed healthy to them, though in most respects he behaved like

any infant, wetting, and crying, and wanting to be nursed. The parents never did choose a

name. The women took to calling him Teren, their word for slim. More months passed.

When the child was weaned, and could almost stand on his own, the father and the woman

took to the woods one day, much like any other wandering gathering day for him. They were

never seen again.

Although the entire clan raised him, Teren was mostly adopted by the witchy woman, who felt a

certain obligation to his father, but who also recognized in Teren some of the qualities that had

made his father so valuable to her. She taught him the herbs of the forest, and how to find them.

She also taught him the names of things, something she knew but that his father had never

shown any skill at or interest in. Years passed.

Teren grew to medium height, was quick and adept, and tough as nails, but remained rail-thin.

His hair stayed shock white and his skin a tepid gray. He never fit in.

As the years passed, perhaps he inherited the wanderlust from his father, or perhaps he just

grew weary of not having any kin, and really, of not having any friends, and Teren wandered

away from the village, to slowly discover that there was a much vaster world out there than he

had ever even imagined. And that he didn't seem to fit in there either.

Among his discoveries was that, while many people seemed put off by his presence, religious

people tended to be outright hostile. All except that one church in an oddly remote city, where he

was welcomed with a fervor he had never experienced. For the first time in his young life, he

thought he had found a home. Until they brought out the snakes. Things got too weird for him

very quickly, and he had to make his excuses and head for the hills again.

Also among the things he learned, when he was lurking in the shadows of the largest city he

had ever been in, was that his witchy woman mentor had given him more of a valuable

education that he had ever guessed, but it was a bit short of the formal training that was

available from an actual participant of a magical college. He spent some years in study and

formally became a Namer, also learning both rudimentary and advanced cantrips and rituals,

and many elements of magic that he hadn't even guessed at. His tutor from that college had

been a military man for decades, though, and insisted that the price of his advice was for Teren

to also study Military Science. The teacher swore that knowing how to plan would be of more

value to him than any amount of unreliable magic.

As time went on, and he practiced Detect Aura on himself, his natural curiosity led him to

discover that his mother had been a vampire, and he was a strange, unusual, and very

uncommon half-breed.

He also, through some chance encounters, learned that he had psionic potential, and spent

the time to learn some abilities, but hasn't had time to truly develop them.

And he still didn't fit in.

Friday, September 22, 2023


by ricki T Thues

Wanon has discussed the writing process in the past. I have shared my method of evolving a story from keywords to outline to the expansion of content.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), such as chatGPT, has brought a new assistant into the life of a writer.

Search of the Internet, such as Google, for the purpose of research, is done more efficiently by AI.

AI has the ability to aggregate the Internet into comprehensive text.

It has, however, proven to be uninteresting and lacking imagination when composing a story.

The following is an example of how I used AI to develop a blog episode about Devotion.


Question: “What are synonyms for devotion?”

Here are some synonyms for "devotion":

  • Dedication
  • Commitment
  • Allegiance
  • Fidelity
  • Loyalty
  • Adherence
  • Faithfulness
  • Piety
  • Ardor
  • Zeal
  • Sincerity
  • Constancy
  • Fealty
  • Solemnity
  • Veneration

These words can be used in various contexts to convey a sense of strong dedication, loyalty, or commitment towards a particular belief, cause, or individual.


Question: “What are the definitions of the synonyms for devotion.”

Here are the definitions of the listed words:

  • Dedication:
    • The quality of being committed to a particular task or purpose; the act of giving time, effort, and energy to something.
  • Commitment:
    • The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, or obligation; a pledge or obligation to fulfill a promise or duty.
  • Allegiance:
    • Loyalty or commitment to a person, group, cause, or government; the obligation of loyalty and obedience.
  • Fidelity:
    • Faithfulness, loyalty, and strict observance of promises, duties, or obligations; accuracy and precision in reproducing sound or images.
  • Loyalty:
    • A strong feeling of support, allegiance, or devotion to a person, group, organization, or cause, often demonstrated through actions and dedication.
  • Adherence:
    • The act of following, obeying, or conforming to a rule, belief, or practice; attachment or commitment to a particular thing or idea.
  • Faithfulness:
    • Consistently being loyal, devoted, and true to a person, duty, or promise; reliability and trustworthiness.
  • Piety:
    • Strong religious devotion, reverence, or dutifulness, often demonstrated through religious practices, rituals, and adherence to religious beliefs.
  • Ardor:
    • Enthusiasm, passion, or intense fervor for something; often used to describe eagerness and zeal in pursuing a goal or cause.
  • Zeal:
    • Enthusiastic and fervent devotion or dedication to a cause, goal, or activity; active interest and enthusiasm.
  • Sincerity:
    • The quality of being genuine, honest, and free of deceit; truthfulness and authenticity in one's thoughts, words, and actions.
  • Constancy:
    • The quality of being steadfast, unwavering, and unchanging in feelings, dedication, or purpose; consistency and reliability.
  • Fealty:
    • The formal oath of loyalty and obligation sworn by a vassal to a feudal lord, acknowledging their allegiance and loyalty.
  • Solemnity:
    • A serious, earnest, or grave quality or state; the quality of being formal, dignified, and characterized by deep sincerity or earnestness.
  • Veneration:
    • Deep respect, reverence, or awe towards a person, deity, or something considered sacred; an act of honoring or showing great respect.


Question: “What are the similarities and differences between the above list of synonyms?”

Let's explore the similarities and differences between the synonyms for "devotion":


  • Commitment, Dedication, Allegiance, Loyalty, Adherence, Faithfulness:
    • Similarity: All these words imply a strong sense of loyalty and dedication towards a person, cause, or belief.
    • Difference: The context in which they are used may slightly vary. "Commitment" and "dedication" often have a broader application, while "allegiance" and "loyalty" may be associated with loyalty to a group, cause, or individual. "Adherence" often relates to strictly following a set of rules or guidelines.
  • Piety, Ardor, Zeal:
    • Similarity: These words convey intense enthusiasm, passion, or fervor towards a religious or spiritual belief, a cause, or an activity.
    • Difference: "Piety" is specifically linked to religious devotion, showing reverence and dutifulness. "Ardor" emphasizes passion and enthusiasm in a broader sense, not limited to religion. "Zeal" often signifies eagerness and intense enthusiasm for a cause, idea, or goal.


  • Fidelity, Constancy:
    • Difference: "Fidelity" emphasizes faithfulness, loyalty, and trustworthiness in a relationship or obligation. On the other hand, "constancy" relates to being unwavering, steadfast, and consistent in feelings, dedication, or behavior.
  • Fealty:
    • Difference: "Fealty" specifically refers to the loyalty and allegiance sworn by a vassal to a feudal lord, highlighting a historical or feudal context.
  • Solemnity, Veneration:
    • Difference: "Solemnity" refers to the seriousness, gravity, or earnestness in one's dedication or actions. "Veneration" emphasizes deep respect, reverence, and awe towards a person, deity, or something considered sacred.

Understanding these similarities and differences can help in choosing the most appropriate synonym based on the context in which you want to convey a sense of devotion or dedication.


Question: “What are examples of different types of devotion.”

Here are examples for each type of devotion:

  • Religious Devotion: Praying daily and attending religious services regularly to express faith and devotion to a chosen deity, as seen in various religions like Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc.
  • Spiritual Devotion: Engaging in daily meditation, mindfulness practices, and seeking enlightenment to deepen one's spiritual connection, as practiced in Buddhism or Taoism.
  • Devotion to a Cause: Dedication to a cause like environmental conservation, human rights, or poverty alleviation, actively participating in rallies, campaigns, and volunteering for related organizations.
  • Devotion to a Person: Being deeply devoted to a partner, showing love, support, and loyalty through both small gestures and significant life choices in a romantic relationship.
  • Devotion to a Community: Volunteering regularly at a local community center, actively engaging in community events, and contributing to the well-being of the neighborhood.
  • Devotion to Self-Improvement: Setting and pursuing personal goals for growth, engaging in self-reflection, practicing self-care routines, and seeking therapy for mental health improvement.
  • Devotion to Learning or Knowledge: Enrolling in lifelong learning programs, reading extensively, attending workshops, and continuously striving to expand one's knowledge in various fields.
  • Devotion to Nature or Environment: Participating in tree-planting drives, reducing carbon footprint, recycling, and promoting sustainable practices to protect the environment.
  • Artistic Devotion: Creating artwork regularly, dedicating time to honing artistic skills, and actively participating in art exhibitions or performances.
  • Devotion to Health and Fitness: Following a strict workout routine, maintaining a balanced diet, and prioritizing mental health through activities like yoga or mindfulness exercises.

These examples illustrate the diverse ways in which people express and practice different types of devotion in their lives.


Command: “Write a story based on all the information in the above interaction.”

Once upon a time, in a small, tight-knit community nestled within a lush forest, lived a young artist named Elara. Elara's life was a beautiful tapestry woven with threads of devotion, each strand representing a different aspect of her being.

From an early age, Elara had been captivated by the mystical allure of nature, and she embraced a veneration of the environment. She spent her weekends participating in tree-planting drives, reducing her carbon footprint, and recycling diligently. The forest was her canvas, and she was dedicated to preserving its beauty.

Her artistic zeal was equally profound. Elara created breathtaking artwork, dedicating hours to honing her skills and pouring her heart and soul into every piece. She actively participated in art exhibitions, sharing her creations with the world.

Elara's devotion to health and fitness was also evident. She followed a strict workout routine, maintained a balanced diet, and prioritized her mental health through practices like yoga and mindfulness exercises. Her commitment to a healthy lifestyle was part of her holistic approach to life.

Amidst her active pursuits, Elara never lost sight of her spiritual fealty. Every morning, she engaged in meditation and mindfulness practices, seeking enlightenment to deepen her spiritual connection. The tranquility of her morning routine set the tone for her day.

In this community, everyone had their unique faithfulness. Taron, a close friend of Elara, was arduous of a cause. He dedicated his time to fighting for human rights, actively participating in rallies and campaigns. Their friendship was built on mutual respect for each other's shared values.

Their community thrived on such diverse dedications. There was an unspoken allegiance among its members, a loyalty that bound them in unity. They celebrated each other's commitments, recognizing the beauty in each strand of devotion that adorned the tapestry of their lives.

In this harmonious place, sincerity and veneration were deeply ingrained values. They treated their surroundings with solemnity, aware of the sacredness of all life. Their actions were a testament to their constancy in preserving the delicate balance of nature.

And so, within the embrace of nature and the warmth of their community, Elara's devotion continued to bloom. Her life was a testament, a richness, a symphony of passion and commitment. It created a melody that resonated through the forest and beyond.


Elara's life was a beautiful tapestry woven with threads of devotion, each strand representing a different aspect.

She embraced the mystical allure of nature, and venerated the environment. She participated in tree-planting drives, reduced her carbon footprint, and recycled diligently. The nearby forest was her canvas. She painted masterpieces of preserved beauty.

Artistic zeal compelled Elara to create breathtaking artwork. She dedicated hours honing her skills, pouring her heart and soul into every piece. Her painting spoke to the nature she revered. Her brush strokes sang from the canvas of her art.

A strict workout routine, maintaining a balanced diet, and devotion to health through yoga and exercise produced a vitality of body and mind. Fitness of body created clarity of mind.

Veneration and spiritual fealty were the fabric of Elara’s meditation and mindfulness. She sought enlightenment and tranquility deepening her spiritual connections. These devotions set the tone for each of her days.

Politically, Elara fought for human rights, participated in rallies and built allegiance and loyalties among fellow community members. Her passion for public dialog drew together her friends and detractors alike.

The tapestry of Elara’s devotions painted a picture of solemnity. Her awareness of the sacredness of life was a testament to its richness.  Together its threads wove a symphony of passion and commitment. It was a melody that resonated in her life and the lives around her.


(I use all the synonyms from my interaction with the AI)

Elara's life was a tapestry woven with threads of devotion, each strand representing a different aspect.

Her life was not always the story that her tapestry told.

Elara was careless about littering and wasting resources. One day, while driving in downtown, the filthy streets and smoggy skies depressed her. She vowed to embrace nature and venerate the environment. She devoted herself to tree-planting drives, reducing her carbon footprint and recycling diligently. The nearby forest was her canvas. She painted masterpieces of preserved beauty with her conservation.

Her forest walks taught Elara the plein-air of nature. The brush strokes of forests, boulders and wildlife compelled Elara to create breathtaking artwork of her own. She dedicated hours honing her skills, pouring her heart and soul onto the canvas. Her painting spoke to the nature she revered. Colors of life sang from her brush.

The bathroom scale at Elara’s house kept creeping up, so she began a strict workout routine and a constant balanced diet. Her adherence to health through yoga and exercise produced a vitality of body and mind. Fitness of body created clarity of mind.

Elara's casual gazing at star filled skies became the veneration and fealty found in her regular meditation. She gained piety through fidelity to spiritual connections. This faith colored Elara’s daily tone.

Politically, Elara was uninvolved. She observed a lack of sincerity in politics and felt no one was fighting for her rights. Disturbed, she decided to participate in rallies and build allegiances and loyalties among fellow community members. Her ardor for public dialog created a zeal for society among her friends and detractors alike.

The tapestry of Elara’s devotions painted a picture of solemnity. Her awareness of the sacredness of life was a testament to its richness. Together its threads wove a symphony of passion and commitment. It was a melody that resonated in her life and the lives around her.

Please email me with your thoughts.

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